On December 14, 2010, the Trustees of El Pomar Foundations hosted McAllister House Museum at the annual Christmas Tree Lighting Reception at Penrose House.  Over 100 guests were treated to this gala event at the beautifully decorated former home of Spencer and Julie Penrose and watched in amazement as the giant tree lit up with thousands of sparkling blue lights.  El Pomar presented The National Society of The Colonial Dames in the State of Colorado with a check for $10,000 to support the operating expenses of our lovely museum.  In modest return, the  McAllister House Committee presented each of the El Pomar Trustees with the first copies of our new publication, McAllister House Museum, Built 1873, Treasured Memories of 50 Years as a Museum.

Our deepest thanks to El Pomar Foundation for their generous and continued support.  It was El Pomar Foundation who 50 years ago granted the Colonial Dames sufficient funds to restore McAllister House to its original Victorian look, allowing us to open it as a museum in June 1961.

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