Our Curator and School Tours
We are so grateful for the talents and expertise of our wonderful curator and our docents who provide the tours and educational opportunities for visitors and students. Their fine work…
DetailsWe are so grateful for the talents and expertise of our wonderful curator and our docents who provide the tours and educational opportunities for visitors and students. Their fine work…
DetailsToday was a beautiful day and so several ladies from the After Hours Garden Club raked and cleaned up the yard at the museum. What would we do without so…
DetailsA special thank you to Aspen Glass which is donating the replacement glass for the pane in the children’s bedroom as well as coming back to replace two cracked panes…
DetailsThe massive wind storm we had on Saturday, February 15, 2014 caused a shutter to pull loose from the brick wall and slam into the window in the Children’s bedroom,…
DetailsStop by the Carnegie Library when you’re in downtown Colorado Springs and see the display of needlework by McAllister House Museum. It will be there for the entire month of…
DetailsRay O’Mara and Bill Barreire worked through a thunderstorm to build and install a new bench around the tree near the Carriage House. We are so indebted to our volunteers…
DetailsIf you’re at the Penrose library at 20 North Cascade Ave in Colorado Springs during the month of February 2013, be sure to look at the display case showing the…
DetailsToday brave men from Mountain High Tree Service came to McAllister and donated their time and talent to take down the dead branches and perilous limbs from the trees surrounding…
DetailsIn July 2009 the El Paso County Roofing Contractors Association (http://elpasoroofingassociation.com/) made a fantastic donation to McAllister House Museum by donating a new roof, material, labor and all for the…
DetailsWhenever the weather cooperates and the museum is open an American Flag is flown from the front porch. The flag used these last several years was faded and worn and…